Monday, September 19, 2011

my monday musings

So for the past month and a half, I've decided to get healthy.  I'm a pretty healthy person as it is, we hardly ever eat out, absolutely no fast food, I don't drink soda..But have just felt like I needed a little extra kick. 
Then I read Kris Carr's (my absolute new favorite heroine) "Crazy Sexy Diet".  Changed my world.

The title is just a little deceiving, because it's really not a diet at all, but a new way of living.  So I decided to go on this adventure cleanse, as she calls it.  1. NO meat  2. NO dairy (I heart cheese)  3. NO alcohol (I heart red wine even more)  4. NO  GLUTEN (omg, pasta, bread..)  5. NO sugar  6. and NO caffeine.. AND you juice every single morning.  Basically a raw, vegan diet. The first few days were a little bit of a struggle, but I really wanted to feel better, so I kept going for it.  Long story short, I survived the 21 days with no problem at all.  Even the red wine part.  And not one day has gone by that I haven't juiced.  It has honestly changed my life. 

There are some amazing vegan recipes in her book, as well..and I'm so inspired to start learning more.  One of my faves was the "tofu eggless salad".
I'm not a huge fan of tofu.  I've always thought it was a little slimy for my taste.  But really this is amazing.

First you finely chop some onions and carrots

Put em in a pretty bowl

Get yourself a big block of tofu..I like the extra firm.  Doesn't seem quite so slimy.


Before I crumble the tofu into the bowl, I cut pieces off and squeeze
excess water out over the sink.  The last thing you want is
watery tofu salad..ew

Add a cup of Vegenaise (another new favorite)
and a teaspoon of dijon mustard

Fresh parsley

Add some salt and pepper and give it a little mix

Toast some bread (although it's not 100% gluten free, I love this
Ezekial bread)

I love how the light hits my pretty crystals in the window sill..
(Sorry, got side tracked)

I like to add a bit more dijon to the bread, for a little kick.

Put your sandwich on Grandma's old china and..
Voila! A nice hearty, healthy lunch!

If you decide to give it a try, let me know what you think.  And check out that book, if you want to change your lifestyle a bit.

Happy Monday!

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